

2023-01-24 18:15:17 500字作文 打开翻译

Nawaluo has very great faith to win a prize in this international contest, but his driving adversary Aisite the 10 thousand final victories that yield him to cannot huge probability wins this contest. He is driving a car hard, but accident happening, his proper motion tyre exploded, do not know the faith that comes from where, support him to be carried unexpectedly see bicycle communications center cross terminus, aisitemoben can take the advantage of this opportunity to be picked directly laurel, but he is done not have, and he is rein in speed follows at the back of Nawaluo, final with medal just miss the opportunity.

纳瓦罗有很大的信心在这场国际大赛中得奖,但是他强劲的对手埃斯特万让他无法有极大的概率赢得这场比赛的最终胜利。他努力地骑着车,但是意外发生了,他的自行车胎爆了,不知从哪里来的信念,支持他竟扛看自行车要冲过终点,埃斯特万本可以趁这个机会直接摘得桂冠,但他并没有,而他是放慢速度跟在了纳瓦罗后面,最终与奖牌失之交臂。来自作文吧 zUOwENbA.net

The likelihood says Aisite 10 thousand lost the chance that takes the place, somebody can feel regretful for him, fail to obtain honor for him and feel regretful, the likelihood is in other heart, such they wanting, but to Aisite 10 thousand will tell, is this a kind " break " ? Still have, can somebody cover with tiles because of accept the embarrassed look of terminus of run to of Luo Shui car and mock? Be also for this tile collect to me a kind " break " ?


I feel, this two people were what to lose really on an angle, but, the issue that they make, I feel their " " be more than however " break " ! Sports spirit, athletics spirit namely such, when the other side has sudden case, get along with adversary equality, equal common level ground goes contest, the ability that such success comes is significant, what if have in adversary,happen suddenly is unwell won the contest at the circumstance of the match, complete no point, get the better of not fierce, won so called " honorary " , but still can experience in the heart very empty! Win on the up-and-up, this ability is the real significance place of the match!


We should have judgement capacity, distinguishing what is what blame, distinguish primary and secondary, let athletics not of another flavour is to win the place, however sapid, side having each other helps each other, in all the happy, feelings that enters in all!


In every time match, on the up-and-up is in the first forever, get the better of not fierce, do not have any meanings really!

