

2023-01-07 18:30:03 400字作文 打开翻译

My uncle is an expeditionary lover, he says when summer vacation, a burrow discovered in virgin forest, ask me otherwise wants to go together with him? I am willing of course, then I called courage big but the cousin with rude behavior.


We take a car to the side of the forest, cleared tool, have dry bavin, penknife, food, flashlight, realgar pink is waited a moment. The number that we make last along the uncle, run to the front of burrow all the way, one person sent a penknife and flashlight, everybody entered burrow. Just entered burrow before long, a serpent slipped to come over from ahead. "Ah, snake! " my shriek phonate, "Do not want to be afraid of. " the uncle says calmingly. Said to scatter pink of a realgar, that snake just came, shrank the head to go back again, not dare again forth one pace, my easy at a heat, the cousin goes to say: "Man v/arc true man, what be afraid of, fast in the evening, look for a place to sleep! " " right, we are to should look for a place to sleep. " the uncle says, "You are on duty tonight. " the cousin that the uncle points to me, "Sure " the cousin is answered出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt


In the evening, we ate dot food, drank bit of groundwater in burrow, looked for " sunken " the place of the glyph pitched tent, I and uncle go in slept, a person is defending the elder brother outside.


Before dawn at 2 o'clock, I am illuminated outside with flashlight, think a toilet originally, see one caboodle spider, poisonous snake however outside round. I think at that time scattered realgar pink, as a result they see I rushed, I call the cousin into tent rapidly, wake the uncle up again, the uncle listens, begin lumber to make a fire, with penknife equalize cut, throw outside, those biology ability retire.


We are tasted again later batty break up, be captured by savage... , stayed inside a week just comes out, it is really too alarmingly dangerous was stimulated!

