

2023-01-06 23:33:42 400字作文 打开翻译

Curtain of night arrives, begin in the classroom lively rise, …… of desk, chalk, blackboard, chair, the skill that who is everybody talking in ground of in full swing is great.


The chair says perkily first above all: “ my skill is great, because do not have me, everybody can stand to write only, much in that way malformation, much more laborious! ” desk says ill-affectedly also then: “ light has you what to is used! If did not have me, everybody is done not have with respect to the platform that writes repeatedly, did not have a law to write more! ” .


Heard the conversation of chair and table, blackboard and chalk also raised a voice, aloud says: “ did not have us, how does the teacher keep a key, how to attend class, without our contribution, does everybody take an exam not have to 0 eggs? ” blackboard is brushed at this moment also the appearance with one grouchy face, say: Does “ light have you two how OK? If the teacher wrote full range blackboard, if wanting to continue to write, that still must not rely on me to move! ”


At this moment, hide in the classroom the broom of one horn also ground of disturbed and indignantdisturbed and indignant jumped out to say: “ my competence gift is great, without my word, didn't the wastepaper accumulate over a long period in the classroom become dump? ” station refutes in the dustpan on the side of broom: “ by you! Without me, where can you sweep? ”……


such, everybody you ground of my one language, gabble discussed one speech all the time early morning day break. Sun farther-in-law appeared gradually first, saw authority, say: “ your competence each has his strong point, the advantage that has each each just. Can make oneself contribution for class only, you are the most marvellous! ”

