

2023-01-06 11:47:10 高考作文 打开翻译

We each person should draw to resemble for oneself, this is just like before putting oneself in a mirror, this can make us fine fine look oneself up and down, savour oneself, understand oneself further.


For oneself the picture seems to be able to let us see our clear. See oneself clear only, true cautiously decides ability oneself direction. During be like the Southern Song Dynasty, area of sea of carry of aggression of Liu ball Japanese pirates. The feat compose that Yue Fei is using valiant engage in battle right now oneself life canto, painted the picture of a hero for oneself. The Xu of Ming Dynasty rank, to be made by imperial devotion, become bachelor, chasten treacherous court official, painted an assiduous picture for oneself with real operation. This shows those who had drawn this to resemble can helping our him recognize. This stands for future of “ observation ” remove can the high table of overlook.作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net


For oneself the picture seems to also can let us learn to accept or reject. “ of the ancients Ceng Yun accepts or reject 2 words ” , it is to point to abandon appropriately go a few pairs of oneself not important things, will get the goods of more need, lu Xun gentleman ever abandoned medical service from civil, become the one great soldier of literary bound, he is a weapon with the pen, launch intense fight with feudal thought, save the people in old idea, for dark society medium people fill enters new idea, they pursue the appeal bright, he uses those who abandon the behavior that learns cure to draw below one to be brave in to struggle for oneself to resemble, liberate next dozen of thought foundations for people at the same time. This specification resembles this kind can helping us learn to accept or reject behavior, know accept or reject essence.


Had drawn a trend that resembles can making us better to did not come for oneself. Resemble be like a rope, ability and specialty are like wood, if can observe oneself actor defect and can ability reasonable apply and allocate, can build a link now with future the bridge of two end points. The Tang Dynasty ever used true word frequently toward earlier Wei Zheng dissuasive Li Shimin, below Wei Zheng's recommend, common people lives and work in peace and contentment, industrial and commercial farming 3 estate development is successful, “ of it may be said politics a person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship and, ” of phr full-scale construction is under way, push Tang Chao to the climax of development. Wei Zheng draws below one Zhang Zhang resembling for Li Shimin, actor has of low quality, this lets Tang Chao enter a top to fill period. Also prove for oneself the picture seems to be able to let us move toward future better at the same time.


So, we should draw a piece to resemble reasonably for oneself, make us can farther understand our. Resemble be like blaze, break up the darkness of ahead. That lets us be drawn for oneself piece resemble, for the right way on him shop, put up the bridge that leads to future for oneself. For oneself, picture piece picture.

