

2022-04-20 20:48:09 高考作文 打开翻译

Can make oneself slow come down occasionally, also be a kind of success.


In the times that Chinese high speed develops, 4G even age of 5G network news, net is bought, Gao Tie of artificial intelligence, China is famous in the world etc, live in the person of 0 time, basically enjoying the fruit that Chinese fast economy grows, it is to be in Beijing of city of a gleam of, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen to wait especially, every time you go in roadside to be able to discover, the person here never stays in certain place too long, the life condition that what more everybody appears is a kind of haste, fast rhythm, in living even we are being gone after speed, convenient, all sorts of snack, express, although you sit in the home now, can make the demand that decides all lives and job to go up completely, have ancient time no longer information of so called “ is out-of-the-way the circumstance of ” .

在中国高速发展的时代,4G甚至5G网络信息时代、网购、人工智能、中国高铁等等都享誉世界,生活在00年代的人,基本上都在享受着中国快经济发展的成果,特别是是在一线城市北京、上海、广州、深圳等,每当你走在路边就会发现,这儿的人从不在某一个地点逗留太长时间,更多大家呈现的是一种匆忙、快节奏的生活状态,甚至生活中的我们都在追求速度、便捷,各种快餐、快递,即使现在你坐在家里,完全可以搞定一切生活和工作上的需求,不再有古代所谓的“信息闭塞”的情况。作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net

But, everybody is seeking efficiency, rate, also be in at the same time bearing enormous pressure, forgot to allow oneself slow come down, enjoy instantly, enjoy at the moment, of life every are best momently, missed also missed, even a few pressure reach the limit, will naturally turn over bite our health. Our Kaside arrived a lot of, what lose actually is very much also. Come down temporarily slow only, relaxation has degree, not urgent not impetuous, conserce strength and store up energy, make article ability go into battle with a light pack-take part in a political movement with nothing on one's conscience, those who go is farther, those who get is more.


Actually, the pressure in the life is very much originate: We are too impatient, anxious give result, anxious see redound, anxious stronger than others, anxious make money, but exceed eager for quick success and instant benefit, easier impatient enrages impetuous. Once had looked such a allegory: A flock of people hurry on with his journey hurriedly, a person stayed suddenly, the person on the side asks him strangely: Why didn't “ go? Stopping person laughs indifferently, the mouth says: Those who go is too fast, the soul falls at the back, I should wait its ” a moment.


We are occasionally anxious when hurrying on with one's journey, may forget at the outset why do oneself set out. Fast itself also does not have a fault, wrong is us to fast understanding, what common saying says is good: ” of “ more haste,less speed. Actually a lot of moment, we allow ourselves slow come down, and this slow not be to say oneself stop thoroughly, whats are done, whats do not think, give oneself the time of an amortize however, the position that has adjusted oneself continues to set out again, it is better that the effect meets such likelihoods.


Slow, it is a kind of state of mind, also be a kind of wisdom. Know occasionally timely issue comer slow, natural meeting faces each problems of the life leisurely, solid had taken each step, also won't go slow where actually so.

