

2022-05-18 09:43:27 观后感 打开翻译

" found a state great undertaking " it is the film that hold water to celebrate People's Republic of China and films, those who tell about is after the War of Resistance Against Japan won in August 1945, mao Zedong and upright especially stone undertook Chongqing negotiates, in sign " double 10 agreements " later, jiang Jieshi turns however the head flew in the face of " double 10 agreements " , then two parties had last big decisive battle.


“ steps Shenyang campaign, the Huai-Hai Campaign, tianjin battle ” , 3 big battle, make a person shocking, your person shakes. As the propulsion of the clue, the validity with the longing that we win to the war, decision-making Communist Party to what head with Mao Zedong, admire to invincible of people liberation army, can't help arising spontaneously. And subsequently cross river battle: “ has hit the Yangtse River, liberate complete China! ” makes person passion insurgent more.出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt


Arrived 1945 1949 is Chinese history endless flow in very a few years of surging forward with great momentum, also be decision China destiny a few years. Below the historical condition at that time, the Chinese Communist had passed rain of blood of wind of countless raw meat or fish, spent heavy affliction, extremely tall place is had in people heart, the support that can say final decisive battle liberation army has people can win certainly. Ending also absolutely, gallant people liberation army had hit the Yangtse River, kuomintang is disastrous, surplus power escapes toward Taiwan, china was liberated eventually!


History of cadre film joint, very true composition solid, have extremely high value and place. Mirror instead already liberate contend for the historical event with major period, also let us gain a lot of knowledge from which, knew especially a lot of before oneself do not know knowledge: If ensign of make choice of has a lot of plan originally, what can decide finally is the Five-Star Red Flag, it by big star and all round the 4 starlet composition that surround, big star is our great Chinese Communist, starlet delegate is different class, represent worker, farmer, petty bourgeoisie and ethical the capitalist class respectively, banner face is red, indicative revolution, the star shows yellow, state the Chinese nation is xanthous, 4 little bits are opposite big star center, state people is right of the party afferent. Besides, still have a lot of knowledge, this is list one by one no longer.


And what make me touch most is, it is the “ that Mao Zedong says we should use a Yan'an, exchange whole China! Yan'an is in ” at that time hazardous condition, a decision that Chairman Mao makes: Abandon Yan'an, protect China. Decided this to just have just about October 1, 1949: In the center of “ People's Republic of China people government is become today held water! ”


See the movie, let me have closer understanding to the party: “ listens party word, walk along ” with the party, we this generation wants carry out to go not only this word, should cherish more come not easy good life, do all sorts of businesses of good one's duty, love my China!

