

2022-04-09 09:33:49 六年级作文 打开翻译

Money is a piece of money that the rich want to show off. Money can be said to be the pillar of human life. Without money, you can't do whatever you want. For everyone, money is a good thing, everyone wants to have it, but for me, money is a bad thing


it will make a great difference between humans. It's not just“ Boys” And“ Girls“ Adults” And“ Children” What's the difference, or“ The rich” And“ Poor people; The difference between. The rich can show off to everyone with paper money and checks, while the poor can only secretly hide in the corner with their only food and cry quietly. The article "traveler" in Mr. Ye Shengtao's Scarecrow reflects the difference between the rich and the poor. The rich can eat the most delicious food in the world and wear the most luxurious clothes in the world; The poor can only eat a little food that is not full and difficult to eat, and can only hold the oldest and worst clothes. All this demand comes from money[ 作文吧 ZUowEnbA.Net ]


it will also lead people to an illegal path. Some people fall into“ Money eye;, As soon as I see piles of red paper money, I can't help staring at it, and I can't help thinking: if only I had so much money. This kind of people are OK. There is another kind of people who start stealing because they need money and want money too much. This kind of person makes me so scared at night that I can't sleep over and over. Stealing money and valuables doesn't scare me. What scares me is that some people kill people because they didn't steal money, so I remind my father to lock the door every night


it also makes people mean, selfish and greedy. Some people prefer to bury their money in coffins rather than donate it to charity funds; Some people regard money as antiques and are unwilling to use it for others or themselves. They live a rich man's life as a poor man; Some people have to be a miser before they die


money can not only improve one's life, but also destroy one's life. We should learn how to use money and don't let it destroy our life

